Wednesday, January 30, 2008

On Dropouts and Cannibals

So it seems that both Giuliani and Edwards are dropping out of the US presidential race. A little tough to digest, as Giuliani looked like he had Super Tuesday wrapped up. His ouster puts another stamp on the 'Bandwagon Effect' and the importance of momentum in politics. Edwards on the other hand, lodst the 'Other America", and will now continue looking for some America that will actually vote for him. I believe he lost the election in Nevada, when, as he put it, he got his butt kicked.
A bit of trivia - did you know that Rudy Giuliani was the Attorney who brought down the Godfathers of the five families of New York?
For all those non-existent readers who were concerned about my fate after the Parent-Teacher Meeting - all zero of you - I survived sans the much-hyped beating. Can't say it wasn't a close thing, but survived nonetheless.
Bones had an episode on cannibalism last night. It got me thinking: judging by our size, human flesh must be pretty tender and juicy (emphasis on must be, no personal experience yet). The cannibal was about to make a case for cannibalism, when he was struck down and arrested. If it was India, there might have been a diktat issued against the arrest fearing repercussions in the cannibal vote bank.
In all seriousness (not that the last para was particularly funny), our politicos seriously need to undergo a crash course in psephology, and realise that you need the majority of people to vote for you to win any election. Maybe then they'll rethink some of their divisive vote-bank politics and work for sustainable development of the entire country.
Well, gotta go.

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